These days dreaming is a wonder to experience. It’s a time when most of us are spending time indoors and catching up on sleep. To our benefit, our dreams are still one-way tickets to the outside and beyond. Dreaming takes us places.
We continue to add to The Dream Series.
The Dream Series helps you unlock your unconscious. Interpreting your dreams creates the perfect opportunity to better understand your life, figure out choices and answers your hardest questions.
Click here for Dream Series – Part 1 and click here for Dream Series – Part 2.
Check out the entire Dream Series.
- ‣Dream Series – Part 1: Powerful dreams
- ∙Dream Series – Part 2: Dreams and nature
- ∙Dream Series – Part 4: Dark and Scary Dreams
Away we go
When you sleep, your dreams can take you to a new location, and you can see people, loved ones, artifacts and beauty. Sometimes a dream can transport you to your favorite amusement park, a new foreign country, or to the beach.
Other times, dreams can export us back to the chair at work, or worse, back to school (Ahhh!). Dreams also have the ability to take us far and beyond.
In addition, your dreams can also give you insight, guidance and comfort. (Yes, please!)
As we continue The Dream Series, we will decode a few dreams that take place outside of our home. We take a look at the workplace, school (ugh!), driving in our car, and UFOs beaming us up.

The dreams
I remember having a dream about feeling unprepared in school. I was back in high school and worried that I did not complete a few of my courses. Overcome by panic, I rushed to meet with my school counselor. Anxiously, I kept looking at my report card and thinking, “I won’t graduate! All my hard work and studying!” Pure panic!
I woke up right after and realized it was only a dream. Phew! I definitely enjoyed my time in high school and had the best teachers, but I do not want to repeat all the testing. Come on! I studied long hours for those high test scores. Thanks, but no. I would not want to repeat pop-quiz days.
I did not enjoy this dream. Nevertheless, there was something for me to learn from my dream. My dream classification: The unprepared card.
If you have a dream similar to mine─ about missing class and scared of failing─ then chances are you too are a pro and had great academic standing while in school. Give me a high five! We appreciate nerds here. Scientific research shows that this is a common dream that professionals and those who were successful students have.

Dream research shows that this kind of dream means that you are demanding high-performance from yourself. It correlates with times of stress and pressure. This dream usually happens when we have set our challenges and now we must do our very best to achieve.
If you see yourself unprepared in a dream, this usually means that you are not meeting the standards you’ve set for yourself.
In the dream it may appear that you’re being judged by your grades, teachers, instructors, interviewers, but in reality, it is you judging yourself. Sometimes we truly are our own worst critic.
In moments when challenges appear greater than they actually are, it’s time to boost up that self-esteem. Take a look at what you are trying to accomplish, and know that you can do this. It’s time to tap into that confidence you have and know that your life is not off the rails. This dream is prompting you to focus more on your strengths than your weaknesses.
When you set your mind to something, you can achieve. Believe.
In contrast, this dream can directly correspond to your current situation. Are you still in school and have exams coming up? Do you have an upcoming interview? Is an important work meeting occurring soon? In this case, the dream is reflecting your anxiety about being ill-prepared. Usually a dream will take an episode from your past such as school days, college or university and use it to address your current situation.

School daze
A dream about being a student sitting at a desk or some other place of learning can be about the lessons you need to learn in your waking life. Maybe in your dream you are sitting in mathematics class, but it doesn’t necessarily mean that you need to brush up on that subject. Instead, it can be a basic principle or skill you have forgotten.
It’s a great time to look at your life and think about something that you’ve always wanted to learn. Perhaps you have not made time for it or haven’t paid much attention to it. It’s time to allow for that new or past hobby to flourish.
If you’re a child in your dream at school, this can mean that you are making complications in your waking life more difficult than they should be. Add in some childlike simplicity. Some situations really are a simple “yes” or a “hard pass”. If you are a teacher or mentor in the dream it can mean that you need to be your own guide.
True guidance must come from within.

No brakes
Are you behind the steering wheel in your dream and suddenly it goes berserk? This dream is about you not being in control. The roads and car both symbolize your path in life and the direction you’ve taken.
Being out of control or speeding can mean that you are going off track. On the other hand, speeding in your dream can mean that you should move faster toward your goal and stop going under your limit.
If you take a look at your current life situation, you might be losing control and in danger. This can be in something serious like a job or relationship. It can also be about a not-so-serious situation like an upcoming trip or birthday gathering. Perhaps you have lost all say and you need to speak up.
If you are not the driver of the vehicle, then it is usually a direct indication that you should be. On the contrary, if there is no driver in the car, then this signifies a lack of power and senseless direction.
Regain control. Take small steps to accomplish your goals. Start small and soon, your goals will go into the big time. Begin with the resume, begin by buying some paint brushes. Do the small stuff first. Begin your path up the road. Soon you will feel more in control of your life and this in turn will help you feel self-assured and confident in your life.

Work, work, work
Even on your days off, you find yourself still at work.
Dreams about work, like the ones about school, are very common. Since we spend a lot of time working, it is only a matter-of-time until we dream about it.
If you see yourself in a job that isn’t yours in real life, perhaps it is time to see how you can change your current work situation. Take a moment to look at your circumstance and accomplish this change by changing up your routine in the workplace, shifting your mindset or considering an actual career change.
If the dream is about your actual job or workplace, then it will often concentrate on the things you find unsatisfactory or what you would like to change. You might also see people from work. This kind of dream material means that you are overworked.
Stressing is unhealthy. If your dream about work deals with your current situation, then it is time to find moments in your days off to reel in the calm and peace. Practice mediation. Unplug. Unplugging means: no work emails, no work phone calls and no thinking about work.

Beam me up
Just like that, the unidentified flying object beams you up and you are surrounded in a place filled with lights, digital beeps and signals. Dreams can really take you anywhere.
Dreams about aliens or UFOs may mean that you want to escape reality.
On the other hand, your mind might just have a powerful force called imagination. Not everyone can tap into this when they are dreaming. Consider yourself gifted and special if your mind is visionary in character. Your imagination can take you beyond the limits of the ordinary.
Having such a vibrant imagination usually indicates that you may have problems in your waking life fitting in with worldly expectations. Since this is a gift that not many have, it can lead to you feeling like you can’t connect easily with others. Your mind is perfect. Don’t worry. Imagination is truly a gift. Celebrate your uniqueness. When you dream of aliens or of something that can easily become a blockbuster, rejoice in your talent and originality. Here is a thought:
Keep a journal of all your awesome dreams.
Continue to dream and remember that being a creative soul and having great imagination is epic.
On the flip side, if you want to awaken your imagination, perhaps it is time to start watching some science fiction. I recommend Signs (2002) or the classic film, Alien (1979).
The takeaway
Chances are you have or will experience a dream mentioned in The Dream Series during your sleep. Visit this Dream Series to help you decipher the meaning of your dreams and to help you answer questions that might arise from your sleep.
There are more dreams to explore! Check out the Dream Series.
- ‣Dream Series – Part 1: Powerful dreams
- ∙Dream Series – Part 2: Dreams and nature
- ∙Dream Series – Part 4: Dark and Scary Dreams

Sweet dreams!
Stay happy. Stay healthy.