Sleep. Happy.

girl sleeping

The importance of sleep. Sleep is one of the best ways to refresh your brain. It is especially important in keeping you healthy and sane. The term “beauty sleep” is a real thing. Sleep has so many benefits that most of the time, we forget to make enough time for it.

Are you interested in what your dreams mean? Check out the Dream Series. Click here for Dream Series – Part 1 and click here for Dream Series – Part 2.

Good Sleep

I like to aim for eight hours a night. That’s my ideal number. I have come to the conclusion that I feel my absolute best when I get about eight hours of shuteye. If I sleep too much, I feel sluggish and I yawn throughout the day. On days when I sleep very little, I feel very tired during my first few waking hours.

Both are equally unhealthy.

Sleep deprivation takes a heavy toll on your physical and mental health levels. It can lead to impaired memory, poor immune system, and shorter attention spans. Sleeping too much also affects the body. It leads to a weak immune system, heart disease and slow metabolism.

Now there are so many opinions and trends on how to get your sleep. Some are pro shorter-sleep circuits. Nope. In my opinion, there’s only one way to get some good ol’ sleep. That’s clocking in a minimum of seven hours of sleep per night. If that’s not possible, then an hour-nap is a necessity.

girl sleeping

Before Sleep

I like to make sure that 30 minutes to 40 minutes before sleep, I have completed all my important tasks for the day. For some reason, there always seems to be more things that need to be done right before sleep. I have to restrain myself from checking off all the boxes in my evergrowing to-do list. I remind myself, “No, it can wait until tomorrow.”

Sometimes it’s the little things that irk me. For example, the other night I wanted to wash my t-shirts because the sight of the full laundry basket bothered me. I refrained in the end, but still; Who washes at eight o’clock at night?

I laugh as I write this, but I have done this before. It wasn’t because I needed a shirt. No. I have plenty of clean ones. It was simply because I wanted to cut that chore out from tomorrow’s to-do list. Calm down, girl.

Really, some things can wait. The laundry can wait, maybe not the dirty dishes, but organizing books surely can wait, and so can that project that you’re working on. And some things just need to be omitted altogether before bed: bad moods and processed food, also known as ‘junk food‘.

Do it for your health. Do it for your sanity. Do it because getting good sleep is loving yourself.

girl sleeping

Happy Sleep

Notice that I didn’t just say, “get some sleep”. I said, “get good sleep”.

Going to sleep in a good mood attracts good energy. Therefore, you attract positivity into your life.

End the day on a positive note. Bring to mind a positive thought. Read something motivational and encouraging. Remind yourself that even if the day was a total loss, as cliche as it may sound,

Tomorrow is another day.

Sleep and rest. Things are always clearer when the sun rises.

girl sleeping

Manifest before bedtime

The night also makes for the perfect time, in the quiet, to proclaim powerful mantras and to manifest. Minutes before sleep, is the opportune time to unlock the power of manifestation. To manifest is the power of being able to envision things you want no matter how big or small. Attract happy circumstances.

Call it forth.

It is already yours.

Your brain will want to default to rational thought. It will want to think logically about all the things you want to accomplish. So, it will start listing all the things you need to do, what it will take and how long it might take. Very soon, you can start feeling overwhelmed, distraught and upset. This then leads to poor sleep. Poor sleep leads to bad health. Bad health does nobody good.

Halt that thought process at once! Write down some of the things on paper and put the pen down. Let that cluster of thought stay there. For some reason, the brain feels satisfied when you write it down, like, “Oh, okay, I’ve written it down. I can relax now.”

Sleep + Dreams

~ Colorful dreams await you in your sleep. ~

We always dream at night. Sometimes we are lucky enough to remember them. Dreams hold so much valuable information. Find out what your dreams mean by reading about them in The Dream Series, click here Dream Series – Part 1 and click here Dream Series – Part 2.

Focus on the good and get your sleep every single day.

Stay happy. Stay healthy.
