


Start getting to know me since we will be spending time together.

A little bit about why I decided to call my site “CasaDoll”. The word “casa” is Spanish for home. “Home” is a metaphor for “my world”. I am a creative doll that is always exploring, learning, creating and wondering.

I am very much an extrovert, but what many don’t know is that I am very much a homebody at heart. While I love, love (love!) spending time outdoors and exploring, I have a side of me that is very much introvert. I like being a mix of the two because it allows me to keep a good balance in my life. I get to enjoy my time outside and also revel in my time indoors doing one of my many hobbies: graphic design, painting, writing, making a nice cup of tea.

I speak many languages – yes English is primary – but I also speak Spanish, Italian, Russian and Ukrainian. I am probably learning Japanese as you read this, arigatō!

I am optimistic, a little sing-songy at times, and I have a passion for many things. I’ve come to realization that it is brilliant to have a ton of hobbies and interests. It makes for a magical life – and so, I created CasaDoll – a place where all of my interests can come together.

And now, I am sharing all of my findings with you! Welcome in.



Find me and follow me here (Click on the links):

Instagram / Motivating and Inspiring pictures http://instagram.com/iamcasadoll

Twitter / Get notifications of new posts


TikTok / Inspiration + Creation
