Gemini Season

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The outside is starting to heat up, the tree leaves have turned a vibrant green and the days are longer. It’s Gemini Season. From what you, a Gemini, need to know about your sign, to what we, non-Gemini, can learn from the playful and life-loving twin sign. Discover Gemini.

Have you read the first post on the majestic and bright Gemini? Check it out now: Gemini: Grow In Truth + Peace”

To read all about Taurus, click here: A Mighty Taurus & “Taurus Season”

Understanding yourself + Understanding others

In order to understand others, you must first understand yourself. Yes, that means you must ask yourself some tough questions and seek inside of you the truth. You must recognize and be honest about the things you need to change in yourself to live a better, peaceful and happier life.

How do you gain truth? How do you attain peace? You seek help, educate yourself, do a lot of research and look for a variety of outlets that can show you the way.

Enter astrology— the ancient art and type of science that can help you improve the overall wellness of your mental, physical and spiritual health.

Why astrology?

There is plenty to learn about astrology and our zodiac sign. Learning about astrology isn’t meant to help you predict what the future holds. Instead, it’s more like a guidebook. A guide that can help you approach life in a better way. Astrology can:

  • help you figure out why you feel the way you often do;
  • help you how to cope with the surprises, ups and downs of life; and
  • teach you how to understand yourself and those around you.

Astrology teaches us how to live our best life.

Let’s look to the stars.

…but I’m not a Gemini

Interestingly, even if you are not a Gemini, you can still relate to some, if not all, of the advice here.

As unique as we all are, we all still experience the same emotions and even sometimes, similar situations. Therefore, you can relate to some things found in Gemini, a few in Cancer, maybe only one or two in Virgo; and so on and so forth. There’s always something to learn.

An astrological sign is not a one-size-fits-all kind of jacket. Astrology can be tailored to suit your own purposes and needs.

Hence, be ready to discover something new.

The Nitty Gritty

The Gemini Woman: As communicative as you are, you are ready to make conversation. In your talks, remember to also listen, ask questions and bring up topics that are important to you.

The Gemini Man: Sophisticated from the way you speak to your mannerisms. You have plenty of great ideas, share them. Although you have a tendency to be engaged in many activities, make sure to not just bail out on someone counting on you. Give your word, keep your word.

The Real Gemini

What is a Gemini like? What is the perfect gift to give a Gemini? How to love a Gemini?

The answers to these golden questions are key in helping you, a Gemini, understand yourself, and us, non-Gemini, understand others.

Communication: You are quick with your words. Probably even lightning fast when you type. You might be asked to repeat yourself verbally or to make yourself clearer when you write. Don’t take it as an insult. Don’t be quick to judge.

As a Gemini your thoughts and communicative ways are fast. Therefore, take your time when you explain, communicate ideas and even be careful with your writing. Take a pause. Double check and edit.

Home: Keep your space organized and make it airy. Allow room for air to just settle in. Keep the windows open and let fresh air in. Redecorate in a way which allows sunshine and good vibes to fill your home.

Self Care: Slow down a bit speedy Gemini. Introduce meditation into your life. Be ready to say “no” to some things. You don’t have to please everyone and say “yes” to every invitation. Take time to unwind and prioritize good sleeping habits.

+Connect to yourself. Gemini you are a twin sign. There are two of you happening at once. With that in mind, integrate healthy habits that help you attain peace, quiet and calm.

More Gemini

Money: Remember to keep a budget. Everything you buy or want to buy needs to be written down somewhere you have easy access to, like a notepad or your phone. Build on this habit and think before you purchase.

Work: Although some things at work may be boring, don’t ignore the small stuff. Routine doesn’t have to be a bore. Try and approach everything you do at work with a positive mindset. Remember that discipline and good work ethic are always welcome.

Make Life Easy: It’s time to set up an actual, physical calendar. Put it up on your favorite wall. It’s the perfect way to keep track of your commitments, plans and special events. This calendar will also help you visualize how you are holding on to your goals. It will keep you accountable. Also, when you are invited to a person’s home, resist the urge to organize their things. Yes, even that plush pillow on the sofa that always seems to be misplaced. Put it down!

To love a Gemini

Always be true to yourself and to others. Gemini, you are adaptable, but remember to speak your truth. Changing your ways constantly is exhausting. So, what do you want? What do you need? Voice what is important to you. There are no mind readers.

Gemini appreciates small gestures. Hold hands. Start a mini book-club with your siblings, mother, father, close friends or with your special someone.

Ad astra

Celebrating Gemini, we continue to look to the stars for more information and guidance.

For more on the free and beautiful Gemini, check out the post “Gemini— Grow in truth and peace”.

For more on astrology, click here: Taurus Season and Mighty Taurus

Cancer is already here. It’s up next and coming soon.


Stay happy, stay healthy.