Periodically, darkness creeps into our dreams at night. We wake up in a panic, we have numerous questions and are left with a bad feeling. But those dreams are not always what they seem. There is light even in darkness. That’s right. Understanding our dreams is one way to learn how even in the darkest of situations, there is a lighted path filled with hope. Once we become aware that the dark isn’t meant to frighten us, we can dismantle our deepest fears.
The Dream Series
The continuation of dream decoding proceeds with a topic that many refuse to face and would rather avoid. But awareness is invaluable. Awareness of what scares us helps us bring those dark topics to light. Remember:
Darkness cannot drive out darkness: only light can do that.
Martin Luther King Jr.
We continue to decode dreams focusing on the categories of fears and darkness.
For more on The Dream Series, check out the following:
- ‣Dream Series – Part 1: Powerful dreams
- ∙Dream Series – Part 2: Dreams and nature
- ‣Dream Series – Part 3: Dreams that take you places
Are you afraid of the dark?
The dark is often times reputed to be scary, threatening and haunting. It makes us feel vulnerable and insecure. Sometimes an overwhelming situation may appear never-ending. We call this a period of unhappiness, of sorrow or sadness. During hard times, it’s easy to forget that even in darkness we truly hold the light within ourselves.
Without dark, there is no light. Life consists of both. In order to deal with life we need to acknowledge both the good and bad. When we identify and separate the two, we can therefore move forward with a plan, thrive and emerge on the other side renewed, enlightened and prepared.
Happiness can be found, even in the darkest of times, if one only remembers to turn on the light.
Albus Dumbledore, “Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban”
The dreams

Being lost/ Losing something
A dream where you can’t seem to find your way, or are looking for someone or something but fail to, usually means that you are going through something in your waking life that is high in anxiety. Dreams like this are waking you up to analyze your life.
Tips: See what is making you feel confused and aimless. This can also deal with matters at work or home. When you have a task or situation that you are not sure how to begin, follow through or bring to a conclusion.
If you are going through a relationship breakup of any kind (i.e. brotherly, sisterly, familial, friendship or romantic) an item of value might appear to be lost in your dream. Additionally, broken items or being abandoned can also indicate this. It may mean that you need time to heal and let go.

Emotions usually take the form of water. If you are swimming in your dream and can’t seem to surface, it might mean that you are going through an overwhelming and emotional period. It’s time to stop overthinking and worrying about that big project that you have just taken on. You are smart and the things you don’t know you’ll figure them out. Remain calm.
On the other hand, sometimes you can over commit. You might be saying “yes” to everything without realizing until it’s too late. You’re drowning in work and/or personal commitments. Sometimes you can’t take steps back. Stop freaking out.
Tips: Remember to sneak in some quality time to yourself even in your busy schedule. Simply taking three deep breaths intermittently throughout your day can help ease away the stress. And make sure to have a specific day when you take care of yourself from head to toe. Remember to not over-commit for the sake of sanity.
Taking care of yourself is loving yourself. Click here for Beauty & Wellness. I share with you the importance of self-care and tell you about some of my favorite everyday beauty products.
More: Drowning can also mean that you are afraid of confronting your true feelings and being open.

Death or Dying
This one is a very common dream. It is experienced by most and it appears to be the scariest as death is a topic many would much rather not talk about.
You would be interested to know that dreams about death or dying are the most misinterpreted of all dreams. This kind of dream is not an omen or some scary foretelling of the future. On the contrary, they are typically a good sign. It signifies rebirth and moving forward.
Tips: If it’s you dying in a dream, it can mean growth and self-discovery. Perhaps you are beginning a new chapter in your life, you are learning something new or have finished up a vacation tour around your favorite countries.
If someone you know is dying, this means that your relationship is changing and perhaps even evolving with this person. On the other hand, if the person dying is someone you don’t know, it can signify that you are feeling a disconnect from your real life in some way. It can also mean that you are changing a part of yourself that you are not completely aware of. Manipulation might be what is happening in your real life. Take note.
Demon or Monster
They usually don’t hide under the bed or in the closet. But they may appear in a dream that turns into a nightmare. Spooky creatures and scary obscure forms usually represent emotions you’ve been repressing or hiding.

Your inner-self is sending out a signal to encourage you to evaluate what might be intimidating or stressing you. This evaluation may consist of one or more of the following emotions: anger, fear, sadness or anxiety.
When it has taken the form of a dream it means that this emotion is getting out of control. Moreover, it can be emotions caused by a situation in your real life that’s getting out of control, a person who refuses to listen to you, respect you or take your feelings or wishes into account.
Tips: Honest evaluation is key here. Sometimes we need to reach out to someone. That someone can be a close friend or relative. Surprisingly, speaking to someone we might not be so close to about the situation, is also a good option as there is neutrality. Moreover, this dream may be an indication that it is time for you to get out of your comfort zone, muck up the courage and seek professional help.

Be on alert! When you have a dream featuring an accident, whether that be in the form of transportation (airplane, car, train), or something horrible, this means that your inner-self wants you to be more careful. The dream might also be you simply stumbling and falling down. Accidents in dreams are usually about making you more aware.
It doesn’t mean that you will have such an accident happen to you, but rather it is prompting you to look at the links between your emotions and your goals; your surroundings and current events.
Tips: Perhaps school, work or your house duties are becoming very demanding and it’s making your priorities scatter. You may be losing focus and falling into spells of high stress.
Possibly you are working hard and starting to feel the big “why” questions pushing you around: “Why am I working there?” “Why do I have to do this?” “Why can’t I just quit?”. Don’t despair. You are likely losing sight of the bigger picture. Where you are now is exactly where you should be. As long as you focus and prioritize, your current situation is simply a stepping stone to where you want to be.

Demystify the situation
Decoding dreams helps bring in the clarity and awareness needed in order to live a peaceful and abundant life. No one likes feeling vulnerable, but sometimes we need to be open and honest with what most scares us and acknowledge our emotions. There is something to learn there. Throw the flashlight into the dark room. Shine a light on those monsters and demystify your scary nightmares.
For more on dreams, follow along The Dream Series:
- ‣Dream Series – Part 1: Powerful dreams
- ∙Dream Series – Part 2: Dreams and nature
- ‣Dream Series – Part 3: Dreams that take you places
Stay happy, stay healthy.