At the table: Family, Japanese pancakes and good moods

japanese pancakes casadoll

I am still holding onto the weekend goodness. It just happened. I called up my loved ones and arranged a family get-together over a delicious, homemade brunch.

I love Japanese food and their culinary innovation is quite inspiring. Recently, I discovered Japanese pancakes. For a while, I had wanted to recreate these fluffy cakes, but never got around to it.

So, excuses aside, I took hold of the opportunity to surprise my family with something new and scrumptious.

My version of the Japanese Pancakes is coming soon! Look out for the recipe. Subscribe to be notified of this and more!

japanese pancakes casadoll
Airy, fluffy Japanese pancakes.

Japanese pancakes are airy and are not that sweet. If you remember from my Best Strawberry Ice Cream Recipe, you’ll know, I’m not a fan of super sweet desserts. Japanese pancakes do take a bit of time to make and require extra love, handling and care. If you feel like upping your breakfast or brunch from “meh” to “deluxe”, make these!

These pancakes pair wonderfully with a side of fruit, yogurt and some good quality maple syrup— at least, that’s how we decided to arrange it at the table and it was simply perfection.

japanese pancakes casadoll
Family + good food.

Family time

Make time for the people you love. I’ve heard this sentence many times and I agree.

Sometimes I am very busy and without knowing, from time to time, I can forget about reaching out to my loved ones. I say to myself: “I’ll call tomorrow”, “I have to do this and then after maybe”, “I am so busy today”, “I have to keep it short”.

I remind myself to simply make the time and leave out the excuses.

Although they know and I know that our love is permanent, it is always better when voiced. I call them up and let it go from there.

When possible, it’s an even better idea to send over an invite for some quality family reunion time. In this case it was a fantastic brunch!


It’s always a good idea to send a message “Hey, I am thinking about you” “Have an awesome day at work!” or to call up to say, “I love you.”

If you are not used to doing this in your family, start now. I’ve heard some tell me that in their family it is weird to say such words of affection, but honestly, I say break that habit. Bring this topic up with your family. Have a conversation with your loved ones. Start slow, but start! Start something new and empowering in your family. Enjoy life together, not just in moments of convenience.

Sometimes you just have to say loving words, caring words, warming words, uplifting words. Let the people you love know.

If you’re not used to doing this, it gets easier. And maybe you’ll feel a bit of cringe in the beginning, but so what— do it anyway.

Life is short. Way too short to just be focused solely on yourself and those immediately around you. Be aware of what you have, don’t take family for granted. Do not wait until you lose somebody. Call someone you love right now. That’s right, skip the text message or the DMs.

Be bold and assertive.

Remember that this kind of love needs to come from a good place and it needs to be genuine not forced.

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But what if your family is not the lovey-dovey type?

Spending time with your family is important.

Just as such, conversations with your family are vital. From talking about your day to the uncomfortable topics, it is good to communicate.

If it is difficult to bring such topics to the table, try and initiate. Someone has to do it or no one will. Muster up the courage to talk about emotions and about love. Have a sit down and talk with your family, your sister, your mother, brother, etc… about the way relationships thrive off of reciprocity.

When love is a one-way street, the relationship whether it be with parents, a sibling, a friend or a loving partner it is likely to not work. This kind of one-way love can lead to resentment, bottled-up emotions and it can make you feel used.

For example, if you write to your sister/parent/friend/etc, your sister/parent/friend/etc should be replying within a reasonable time frame, not months later. And if your sister/parent/friend/etc never addresses the issue and doesn’t seem to initiate contact, it’s time to have a conversation.

Remember that life happens, sometimes there is not enough hours in the day, life can get hectic, so give your friend/sister/parent/etc a break, but if this is a trend and it is happening way too often and it bothers you, definitely talk about it with them.

The take away is that love should be reciprocal, not a one-way street. You give love and you receive love.

japanese pancakes casadoll

It’s a balance.

Prioritize Family Time.

Make memories.

Call up your mom, dad, sister, bro, cousin, someone you consider a loved one and invite them to a wholesome brunch. Make Japanese pancakes!

Enjoy life together.

My version of the Japanese Pancakes is coming soon! Look out for the recipe. Subscribe to be notified of this and more!

Stay happy, stay healthy.
