The Nintendo gamer and the importance of video games

gamer girl

I made the switch. It’s official. I am back with Nintendo. Maybe it was Donkey Kong that reeled me back in, maybe it was the release of the remastered Crash Team Racing Nitro-Fueled video game, or perhaps it was that limited-edition Animal Crossing: New Horizons pastel-colored console.

It was definitely all of those things combined that did it.

Now, I’m back.

Gaming: Is it good or bad?

Many like to dispute whether playing video games is a good thing or a bad thing, a waste of time or not. This kind of argument has no end. There really is no correct answer as gaming has a variety of meanings to each and every individual.

One thing for sure is: gaming is gaming. Just like reading a book, is reading a book.

Both reading a book and playing a video game can help you unlock creativity, develop your critical thinking, improve memory, boost imagination and relieve stress.

Then we can dig deeper. There’s the graphics and art appreciation. A lot of creative heads created those characters and storylines. As an artist myself, I truly love when a video game has the ability to pluck you away from your reality and places you in a world chock-full of adventure and wonder.

Looking back, all the video games I hold dear to my heart (and don’t mind re-playing) create this sense of awe. You are in a world, inside another world. It’s great fun.

Now, as with everything, it’s all about balance.

For me, gaming is an enjoyable and beautiful hobby.

The importance is having not just one, but many hobbies! We are here to enjoy life and just the same, we are here to learn from life.

gamer girl

Nintendo, I ♥ you

I grew up with Nintendo. Tons of hours are logged in. And, there were so many sleepless nights . I remember it all so well. From the Barbie game, to the awesome gaming ritual of my sisters and I munching on Rice Krispies Treats while playing the Aladdin video-game, to the glitched-out The Lion King cartridge, I remember it all.

Cherished memories indeed.

Then, the original Gameboy made its grand entrance into my life. It was soon followed by the Gameboy Color, which was then followed by the Gameboy Advance SP, which was— *cough* — okay, okay, I won’t go into all the details. Suffice it to say that Nintendo and I have history.

gamer girl

Wherever I go

What I like about the Switch is that is it a hand-held console. (Oh, I love you PSP, but Nintendo beat you on that one. Sorry, Playstation.)

Much like the Gameboy of the 1990s, the Switch goes wherever I go. And the most epic thing about the Nintendo Switch, is that it is a three-in-one kind of console. I can easily interchange between TV mode, tabletop mode and handheld mode. That means I can play some Zelda while on-the-go or challenge my peeps to some Mario Kart.

If you are thinking about buying a console, consider the fully-featured Switch instead of the Switch Lite.

gamer girl
Here or there, anywhere and everywhere— SWITCH for the win!

The games

There are a few games for the Switch that are number one from the get go: everything Donkey Kong, anything Crash Bandicoot, and Zelda.

As for the rest, I basically jumped head-first into the wide pool of games for the Switch.

I’ve been playing a variety of video games in order to find out which games make that instant connection with me. That connection that doesn’t let me put down the console and that keeps me up at night because I just want to ascend to the “next” level.

I also really like the multi-player games. They make for some funny moments as you enjoy some gaming outside of the role-playing, adventure video games which are usually one-player games.

I bought “Just Dance”, “Mario Kart” and “Luigi’s Mansion” for that sole purpose: To create some hilarious memories while dancing, racing karts, and tip-toeing through a scary mansion.


To skip, buy or borrow?

Should you spend your money on the games I mentioned, borrow them or wait until the next video-game sale? The review for the games I’ve played so far is coming soon.

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In the meantime, what are your all-time favorite games? Let me know!

Stay happy, stay healthy.
