Don’t you sometimes wake up from the strangest dreams? The dreams you experience may at times seem rather odd, however, all dreams have significance. Dreams are also likely to have a deep connection to your life. A dream brings to light your hidden emotions, wonderful possibilities and sometimes a dream is simply about current events. Therefore, interpreting dreams can unlock guidance and ignite your inner inspiration and creativity.
For more on The Dream Series, check out the following:
The Dream Series
We continue to decode dreams. This time taking a look at a collection of dreams that many have seen during sleep.
There is a correlation between your mind, sanity and your dreams. Therefore, it is important to become aware of the meanings behind your dreams. Don’t miss an awesome opportunity to take charge in your life and harness the power to change your ways and your life in a direction that is beneficial and calm. Remember:
As you think, so shall you become.
-Bruce Lee

We continue to decode dreams focusing on a variety of categories.
For the complete Dream Series, check out the following:
- ‣Dream Series – Part 1: Powerful dreams
- ∙Dream Series – Part 2: Dreams and nature
- ‣Dream Series – Part 3: Dreams that take you places
- ‣Dream Series – Part 4: Dark Dreams
Not so random + Storytime
Yesterday I had a random dream— or so I thought when I abruptly woke up. I dreamt about ants! Eek! Ants!
For one, insects and bugs irk me out. And secondly, I realized why I had such a dream. Yesterday I parked under a tree with ants and I found one roaming about carelessly on my arm while driving. Eek! My arm! Ugh, bug season is officially in. This dream also had a purpose.
As insects and bugs look for cooler places to live in during the summer, it is pertinent to keep the indoors (especially the kitchen!) tidy and clean. Thanks for the reminder, dream.
Also, it’s time for me to feel less anxious about ants. Although knowing that ants are rather strong and can carry an elephant if grouped together, makes it kind of difficult. Thank you for that reminder as well, dream. That is a work in progress.
Kidding aside, it is something I am working towards. Not feeling overly anxious about insects. Being overly concerned about insects during an outing can really suck the fun out of any event. Don’t try it. If you know, you know. I see people going about their day unfazed. Wow! So cool to be less worried about bugs and simply enjoying.
The dreams

Whether it’s a field of fresh flowers or a single vibrant flower that appears in your dream, take it as a sign of positivity. Take note of the flower’s color. Blue signifies calm, which is reminding you to bring peace into your life. White represents purity, which can point out that it is time for a “spa day”. Reset and recharge. Purple means adventure. The color pink is connected to acts of tenderness; because sometimes giving small gifts to others is better than receiving. Orange suggests creativity. Yellow symbolizes healthy energy.
Flowers usually symbolize resilience, but make sure to take a look at the health of the flower in your dream. If it is blooming, great!— but if it is wilting or dying, it’s time to analyze the ongoings in your real life.
Being Chased

This is a very common dream.
If this event manifests in a dream, it’s typically a symbol of something or someone you are avoiding. The same can be applied if you are running away or trying to hide. If you wake up and know what, or who, you are avoiding, then you may have something to work with. Alas, if it is unclear and hazy, it is likely connected to emotions you are trying to suppress or have been suppressing. If you do not address this, the dream will reoccur until you’ve made peace with those emotions. Have a quiet time with yourself. Call up someone you know will listen— your closest friend, or sibling, or a loved one.
Superhero Powers

This one relates to your powerful imagination. It’s a dream that you can experience no matter your age.
If there is a villain or some evil force in your dream, but you are so powerful you defeat it, it is likely trying to make you aware that you are stronger than you know. Believe in yourself. That issue you have in your waking life is something you can handle and resolve.
On the other hand, this dream can mean that you have unleashed potential or a hidden talent. Discover and develop.
Alas, if you are invisible, although it is a superpower, it can mean that you feel ignored or invaluable at times in your real life. You are worth it! It’s time to self-motivate and read up on some self-help books. This “invisibility” dream can also mean that you are trying to not stand out. Look at you with all your beautiful talents, you are a star!
Where is the restroom?!!

This is another very common dream. Yes, sometimes it is a very literal dream. “When you gotta go, you gotta go.”
However, sometimes it can mean that there is some frustration or other emotion that is festering and building up inside you. In your waking life, you might be holding on to something that’s not helping you doll: a grudge, sorrow, grief, a difficult past, lies.
This dream might be letting you know that it is time to let go of that emotion: anger, shame, guilt, jealousy, fear, hate, or sadness. Any emotion can hold you back and hinder personal, mental and emotional growth.
Take care of yourself. Give yourself time to relax, to bring calm into your life. In this way, you give yourself more respect and freedom. Break away from the bad habits and emotions. Find a healthy way to let go.

The takeaway
Chances are you have or will experience a dream mentioned in The Dream Series during your sleep. Visit this Dream Series to help you decipher the meaning of your dreams and to help you answer questions that might arise from your sleep.
For more on dreams, follow along The Dream Series:
- ‣Dream Series – Part 1: Powerful dreams
- ∙Dream Series – Part 2: Dreams and nature
- ‣Dream Series – Part 3: Dreams that take you places
- ‣Dream Series – Part 4: Dark Dreams
Stay happy, stay healthy.