Escape to Mount Joy

girl mountain casa doll

Feeling bored? Do you feel restless indoors? Is something missing in your day? Life is what you make it. Our choices, our attitude and the atmosphere we are in, play important roles in our daily lives. Find inspiration here. A spontaneous hike that changed everything. Today, deep in the high forest, an ordinary day in my life turned magical.

Let’s go on more trips together! Click here to go on another adventure: The Last Snow.

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guy hiking mountain
~ Go somewhere where the trees are high and the air is crisp. ~

Something is missing

You might be feeling stuck. Stuck at home, stuck in the same town, stuck in the same mood. A similar emotion came over me today. I felt like doing something meaningful for the day. Something was missing. I couldn’t figure out what was making me feel bothered. I wanted to go somewhere and that was all I knew.

Suddenly, an opportunity presented itself in the form of a phrase, “How about we just go?”

How about we just go?

I bewilderingly replied, “Yeah, let’s… go.” Caught off guard, my mind sort of robotically gave an affirmative answer. With no set destination in place, I brushed my frizzy hair, dressed quickly into some active wear, tucked into my boots and laced up. “Ready.”

In a matter of minutes we were out the door, in the car, on the street, making our way north.

~ To the mountain top. ~

Getting there

The winding road led up to the lush grass, pines, creeks and fresh air. Our sanctuary above the city. Away from everything. Here, everything at peace and silent. Us, just exploring and adventuring.

It started to rain, but it did not hinder our trip. We created our own little obstacle challenge courses by using fallen logs to cross rocky riverbeds. The sun, hidden behind ominous clouds, finally peeked through. It illuminated our surroundings and warmed our frigid hands.

Even though the trip only lasted a few hours, it sufficed. It filled us with delight and appreciation.

We created memories. It was enough to satisfy the need for a mini-outdoor adventure.

girl hiking mountain
~ Saturate your life with people and places that bring you joy. ~

We decided to drive a little more up the road. To our surprise we hit gold! Well, sort of.

It was snow! I find true joy in the little things like rain and snow. In California we don’t get enough of it, so for me, I see it as a gift and a blessing when it is present.

Just go for it

If you have an urge to go hiking don’t think twice. Just go and have fun whether it be solo, with a sibling or with one of your close friends. Even if it’s only for a couple of hours — go. It will brighten up your mood and recharge you. After your trip, I am sure you’ll feel ready for that upcoming work week or anything else.

Nature has a way of putting us into balance. It adjusts us precisely mentally and even physically if we decide to do a sport or a hike. Nature, be it in the wild or just at your local park does your mind and body good.

girl hiking mountain
~ Within nature. ~

Current state

Our State’s “stay at home” order still allows for people to go for a hike or walk in the park. I know there are states that have more rigid guidelines currently, please follow them, but that doesn’t mean you can’t go on a solo stroll while staying at a distance from others. See what activities you can still do with family or by yourself while practicing social distancing. There is no excuse to stop being outdoorsy and enjoying life.

~ Topsy turvy. Sometimes you just have to break into dance. ~

Let’s go on more trips together! Click here to go on another adventure: The Last Snow.

Where do you run to/drive to when you feel like going somewhere? What places bring you happiness? Let me know.

Stay adventurous.
